Monday, June 29, 2015

Doggie Monday

It's been quite the week! Mostly thunderstorms that Bingo is not a fan of. Even with her Thundershirt on and a heavy dose of Benedryl, she was shaking-shaking-shaking. She even came up with me on the bed, and I felt like I was on one of those vibrating beds. You know the kind; they show them in cheapy-type motels in the movies. Anyway, poor girl! It was so LOUD, it really did sound like God was bowling directly over us.

View of two and a half dogs:
Bingo in foreground, Buddy in back.
Here's Reggie:

Beagle boy, Buddy:

RoRo Vizzie

Look at Bingo's face!  It's the expression of the hoped-for morsel:

And here's Buddy:

Buddy says, "OK, you may pet me while I wait for my treat of salty-crunchy deliciousness."
Later, Buddy on the meditation chair:
I keep a towel on there for extra protection. Which he bunches up into a nest, of course!
And then later on the T.U. rug:
I love how he curls his paws under him. 
Here's my sweet Bingo-dingo:

Happy girl!

Here's Buddy lying amongst the storm debris:


You can see her shedding around her neck.
But Reggie wins the award for Most Shedding Dog:
Like an alpaca.

Speaking of Reggie, he likes to sit on the T.U. rug outside the office door in the hallway. I'm sitting in my meditation chair with Buddy, and Bingo is snoozing on the floor, and I hear a noise. "What's that sound?" It sounded sort of like ripping . . . so I peak around to Reggie who is pulling up and chewing the T.U. rug. "Reggie," I said reproachfully. He looks at me, head cocked to one side, a chunk of rug thread dangling from between his teeth. Silly boy! 

Here's Buddy, head resting between the slats:

Thunderstorm Yumminess

Mum saved her yogurt containers for the dogs to lick:

I've been putting some peanut butter in their Kongs during the storm to distract Bingo. But thought I'd mix it up with yogurt containers:

This Morning

He hates being brushed, but we'll have another session today:
Alpaca boy.
Reggie likes to lick my feet. If they are dangling off the bed when I'm sleeping, he'll come and lick them in the morning. He'll do the same thing when I'm in my meditation chair or on the sofa watching TV. He's a foot licker. But sometimes he'll lick my knees if they're exposed, or elbows. Funny guy.

Here's Buddy in one of his corners:

View of the labyrinth:

He sees something . . . 

This week I discovered that beagles will not eat just anything. I had some left over pappadan (lentil wafers) from the Indian restaurant. The dogs heard me go to the fridge, so Bingo and Buddy trot in and Reggie goes to his crate, to wait for a treat. Ha! So I broke off a little piece and held it out to Buddy.  *sniff-sniff*  And then he takes it delicately between his teeth. And then drops it. "Nope. I know it's human food, but I'm not eating it."  Hahahaha  So I tossed it to Bingo who ate it before she could taste it. And then gave Reggie a piece, too. 

Last week I was taking a nap. I always listen to Dave Dobson's The Beach Walk to go to sleep. I turned on the CD and lay down on the bed. Buddy was trotting down the hallway past the bedroom door and I watched him stop and listen. And then he did a U-turn and came in, climbed up the beagle/cat steps and curled up with me. He knows Dave's voice and when it's time for sleep! So CUTE!   :-)   HAPPY Monday!  

Tuesday, June 23, 2015


I wanted to post a few pix of some flowers that Composer Brother planted for me. Day lily:

He grew these from seeds.

Yes, he is that good!


This is a special lily that my brother created and registered:

 And now for something completely different:

Tabby Bobcat, relaxing in the labyrinth.
Actually: *yawn*

Found this little guy in my bathroom so took him outside:

It's a firefly. I'm selective in my rescuing of bugs. For the most part, I'm fine with spiders as long as they're webbing it in the corners and out of the way. I'm not keen on cock roaches. Ewww!  I finally realized why I don't have a fly problem in the house, even tho I often keep the back door open for the dogs: because of the dogs. They catch them. It's a game to them. I'm all for that. 

Well, I almost made it thru a non-dog post without a dog reference.  :-)  

Monday, June 22, 2015

Doggie Monday

This could be called "The Buddy Blog" this week. And I didn't take the usual 200+ photos this week. Here's Buddy in the office on my little red Persian rug, which fortunately, so far has not garnered another nick-name:
Watchya doin', Buddy?
I know I have photos of him throughout the house and outside in this pose, but I can't not take a picture of such cuteness:
 And here's a switch-up; Tabby below me by my chair:
I like to be barefoot in the summer, but having him
so close to my exposed phalanges makes me cautious.
 Buddy out the window:

 Better photo, but different angle:

I got closer, but lost the pose:

I put the office T.U. rug in the hall way for Reggie to sleep on at night. Here's Buddy:

Nestled up against the door.  :-)

He's a nestler.

Here he is on top of the sofa:

See what I mean?  The Buddy Blog.

He was curled up on the sofa because:
Tabby likes to sit on the table on the front
 porch and TAUNT Buddy & Reggie.
He's a taunter.
Another day, Buddy in one of his spots:

A better angle would be from the labyrinth; but I was lazy:

Oh, lookit!  Here's Bingo:

Back to Buddy:

This morning, as Buddy & Reggie are playing in the yard, here's my sweet Bingo in the office with me:

John Morgan imitation:
Eyes closed for photo!
Of course, whenever I get close, she gets ready for belly rubs!
My sweet girl. 
I had a question about using the rose geranium oil for ticks. It works!  I apply it to their collars and then swipe under their legs in the creases where they can't lick--and where ticks like to go!
HOWEVER, I'm really sensitive to smells, even natural ones. So the house smells all rosy, but it's too much. And the dogs really hate it! They run away when they see me reaching for the bottle. If I'm really sensitive, can you imagine what a dog thinks? My biggest concern has been mosquitoes. I've been using lemon oil, again on their collars, but it's food grade, so I can rub it thru their fur. They don't like that, either! 

I made a natural flea/tick repellent powder using food grade diatomaceous earth and neem powder for Tabby, and added lemon eucalyptus for the dogs in their powder. (Essential oils are toxic to ingest so you can't do them with cats because of the grooming). The flea powder is easier and less stinky. I did find a seed tick on Buddy and put a dab of rose oil on the tick. It died. Found a bigger tick on Bingo, and it killed that tick, too. So, I'm just vigilant about checking them throughout the day.  So it's  been a process of figuring out what works for them. So far, so good!  

It's nice to be writing about ordinary things. No escapes from the beagle-boy. No destruction, either. All is well in our little world. HAPPY Monday!  :-)